Why and How I Cloth Diaper

8 years ago, I began researching cloth diapering as I was expecting my first child.  This research was done using *gasp* dial-up internet, so it was a bit time-intensive.  Ultimately, I decided to try it out and am glad that I did.


I love when I can hang my diapers on the line. Sunshine is a great way to get diapers really white again.  In the background, our beautiful tree in bloom and heifers checking out the happenings on the yard.

In a way, cloth vs. disposable diapers can be compared to silverware vs. plastic forks and spoons.  I much prefer using the real stuff, but at times the plastic will just have to do.  I almost always use cloth diapers at home, but if a child is going to be in the church nursery or with a babysitter, then I pull out the disposables.  Or, as my older children call them, fake diapers.


Ava rockin’ a cloth diaper and tons of heartburn-inducing hair.

I have tried tons of different types over the years, but my favorites are Fuzzibunz.  If someone from Fuzzibunz wants to send me a check for endorsing their product, please leave a comment below:)  I use cloth wipes and a cloth diaper pail liner and wash it as one big load.  One of the most fantastic parts of cloth diapering is that I stumbled upon Charlie’s Soap as a laundry detergent.  Now, I use it for all our laundry.  It works so well on farm clothes.  Charlie’s Soap is the detergent of choice for a huge number of cloth diaper users, mostly because it rinses clean and is free of scents, dyes, enzymes, softeners, and other additives.

I know some people who have tried cloth diapering and changed their minds.  It certainly isn’t for everyone.  Both Mom and Dad have to be on board.  That being said, I have loaned out my newborn diapers to at least 10 people over the years, and quite a few have stuck with it.

When Vince was a newborn 7 years ago, the nurse at the doctor’s office saw his diaper and declared me a “brave mama”.  I am certain it was the first time she had seen a cloth diaper.  I know that nurse today as a fellow mom — I should ask her if she remembers that.  Although that was ages ago….way back in the era of dial-up internet!  I am confident that we will all see more and more cloth diapering in the future.

Lastly, thanks so much for reading!  Yesterday, I hit 5,000 views and am so honored to have so many people viewing my writing.  I really appreciate it.