A Few New Year’s Resolutions to Make Me Feel Guilty

A Few New Year’s Resolutions to Make Me Feel Guilty

There’s a lot of different opinions out there as to whether it is worthwhile to make New Year’s Resolutions. Really, we are just creatures of habit and easily fall into our old ways. So why even begin to think that flipping a calendar page is going to make a difference?? Well, I agree with that in part, but I also think there is great value in planning and goal-setting….here’s my list for 2015:


Cutest Baby Hat!

1. First and foremost, further developing my relationship with God. It is really difficult to find a regular devotion time when mornings start early with getting Vince and Liv ready for the bus, and my evenings go late because my “World’s Most Adorable 3-month-old” and I have differing views on what an appropriate bedtime is.  If you have suggestions for a great devotional for me, I’d love to hear it.

2. Keep up with our financial record-keeping, otherwise around here known as “bookwork”. My husband does an awesome job of this (it is what really makes him tick) on the business side of things, but I find entering our personal expenses into our computer program to be the LAST thing in the house that I’d like to do.

3. Write more. This includes more list-making. There are days (okay, well every day) that I feel like I am busy from the the moment I wake up until the moment I fall asleep and yet I look back and feel like I haven’t accomplished anything.  If I had a list to cross off items, I think I’d feel a bit better about my days.  Also, writing is a stress-reliever for me, so I hope to get back to blogging on a more regular basis.

4.  Develop a love of gardening in my kiddos.

5.  Establish a regular allowance system for my kids.  When it is time to donate or spend, they ask us to supply the funds and I really want them to learn how to manage money — even if it is in small amounts.


This photo was not set up…these two are a pair.

6.  More time playing games with the kids.  I have come to realize that I love games way more than toys, and as long as I am giving them my full attention, the kids really will play anything.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  The weeks leading up to Christmas are always insanely busy, and then when the actual holiday arrives, it is such a blessed time.  Be safe this New Year’s, and make yourself some resolutions if  you think they’d be helpful.