Lieutenant Governor visits Ocheda Dairy

Last Friday, we hosted a very special guest, Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota Tina Smith.  She has been traveling throughout the state recently and stopped by between visits to Luverne and Mankato.  She came with one aide and one chauffeur, so it was definitely one of the smallest tour groups we’ve ever hosted.


Lieutenant Governor Smith visits Ocheda Dairy.


It all came to pass when I received a phone call from a former high school classmate of mine, Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture Charles Poster.  Our name was on a list because we had applied for a grant a few years back from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.  We hardly ever turn down a request for a tour, and it was especially easy to accommodate at this time of the year.

Most of Tina’s question were business in nature, as that is her background.  She specifically asked us who buys our milk and where it is shipped to.  Also, the financial aspect, including machinery investment, was of interest to her.  When she asked what concerns us as farmers in Minnesota, we candidly told her of how much more difficult the process of investing in a dairy is in Minnesota compared to neighboring states of Iowa and South Dakota.


Violet loved the chance to give Lt. Governor Tina Smith a tour of our farm.


Are you dreaming of summer?  With the recent influx of seed catalogs in my mailbox, I sure am!  Be sure to put “visiting a local dairy farm” on your list.  Farmers everywhere are getting in the habit of opening their barn doors, and we’re no exception at Ocheda Dairy.