No place like home

Ava’s requirements for discharge were made known to us on Thursday

1.) 50 steps walking

2.) eating and drinking

3.) pain controlled

Part of me thinks Ava’s mind began to process what this meant for her and she decided that it was time.

Friday morning, the physical therapist was in the hallway on the way to visit Ava as we were headed to the toy room with her for the first time.  He decided it would be great to evaluate Ava there. Upon entering the room, she began to play and move around with such frightening speed that Joe and I were racing to keep up with her as we also juggled Violet.

In some ways, I think all of that movement helped bring back her appetite and get her mind on something other than her pain.  We took her in a stroller for lunch at a cafeteria in the hospital and then went back to the room to rest.  At about 2:30, our main doctor walked in and announced we were free to go home.   We honestly couldn’t quite process it.

Ava was not at all fond of this doctor and all of the checks he had done with her in the past days, and her mood soured at that point. We really  questioned if she was going to be able to handle the transition. We had a few visitors arrive just after that, one of them a great family friend and the other was Ava’s music therapist, who provides us with essentially fun speech therapy on a weekly basis.

Joe was somehow able to convince Ava to quit sobbing and our music therapist began to show her skills at working in challenging situations.   So they we were, 6 of us sitting on the hospital floor singing along to a guitar and playing with egg shakers, a tambourine and a rain stick for 30 minutes.  Violet brought some levity to the situation as we laughingly scolded her for eating instruments and crawling away from our music session.

After our visitors left, Joe and I wrestled with the decision to go home.  Ava’s mood was still on a rollercoaster but it was getting increasingly harder to keep her safe at the hospital, as strange as that sounds.

We decided it was time to go.

What ensued was the most chaotic packing I have ever done.  There was even still a load of laundry to bring back to the room!  The nurse removed Ava’s IV and I signed a few papers.  It was kind of terrifying.


Resting at home while recovering from a major accident would seem logical but instead we have been absolutely on our toes as we rush to protect her.  She is scrambling up and down stairs and running with scissors and so on.  It is ASTOUNDING how quickly she has adapted. Joe’s Aunt Sue, who has always been a favorite playmate of Ava’s, helped us out tremendously yesterday.


When asked by some church friends for a way they could help, Joe responded ‘bring us some baby goats for the kids to play with’. Perfectly logical, right?

I would never wish the circumstances that we have endured in the past week on anyone. However, it is my prayer that all of you would someday experience the incredible support and love that we have felt every day since this incident.  Reading everyone’s commitment to praying for us has been humbling to say the least.  We have been the recipients of so many people acting as the hands and feet of Jesus.  It has brought tears to my eyes time and again, and been an incredible source of strength for all of us.

Vince reminded me yesterday that it is our turn to greet at the main doors of church this morning.

God’s timing. Keep praying for us, I’ll keep buying Kleenexes.

8 thoughts on “No place like home

  1. I’m glad to hear she’s home! Our daughter ended up in the hospital for a week last summer. She was 4 at the time. After she became awake and more “with it” she decided the drs and nurses needed to have an all out war waged on them! It was so miserable, I get where your coming from with her sobbing. It just must be so scary and overwhelming to them. Glad she’s home and happy! Continued prayers ❤


  2. So glad you are all home! We raise dairy goats, and I often tell others that are feeling blue to “come out and bottle feed a goat”! It is impossible to feel sad once you get started. Continued healing prayers sent your way😊


  3. God’s timing is surprising, amazing, and in the end perfect! Thanks for sharing and so glad you are home. Enjoy your Sunday together!


  4. So happy to see the improvement in Ava and her wonderful smiles. I also love your message of faith and trust in God. 8 years ago today my husband fell while remodeling our milking parlor and suffered a trumatic brain injury. Little did we know at that time that it actually was one of Gods blessings! Two years later, after his miraculous recovery, he was diagnosed with Mesothelioma and passed away 4 months later. We sent more time together in these 2 years between his injury and death than we did during all our busy farming 44 years of marriage. In cases like your little daughters accident, we wonder how and why these things happen, but with faith, friends and a loving family we walk forward to face the future. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and hope your family ends up with more blessings than you can ever imagine at this time!


  5. I thought so often of little Ava this week in the hospital..wondering how she took all the people who so lovingly treated her..yet were strangers to her.. I know she is very shy..I had to smile at the story you wrote..that is the little Ava I know..SOO glad you are place like home..


  6. I am coming here via way of our mutual friend, Gretchen. I have now added your darling Ava and your family to my prayer list. I am thankful for the prayers you are seeing answered already in improvements in Ava’s condition. May God continue to bless her with strength and with healing. And may you feel His loving arms wrapping you and your family in peace and care.


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